TOEIC®必勝TIPS 001: About の用法

1 付随 There’s something about this that doesn’t make sense. どうも、筋が通っていない。 2 関連 He does a weekly podcast about business management. 彼は、毎週、経営についてのポッドキャストを公開しています。 3 従事 I don’t understand what he’s talking about. 彼女は、なにをしゃべっているかわからない。 4 近似 It’s about 45 miles from here. ここから、45マイルぐらいです。 【松岡先生のワンポイント解説】 aboutのcore meaningは〈周辺〉です。onが〈接触〉をあらわすのに対し、aboutは接触しないが、周りを取り囲むイメージ。次の例文でニュアンスの違いを味わってください。 I read a book on birds. 私は鳥類学の本を読んだ。(専門書など) I read a…
TOEIC® 練習問題016: are, was, were or have

【練習問題】 空欄に最も適切な選択肢を(A)~(D)から選択してください。 Second quarter sales _____ increased by 17 percent compared to the same period in the prior fiscal year. (a) are (b) was (c) were (d) have
TOEIC® 練習問題015: installed install, installing or installation

【練習問題】 The work crew is _____ a new floor structure to support the new equipment our company purchased. (a) installed (b) install (c) installing (d) installation
TOEIC®練習問題014: substantive, considerate, sedentary or considerable?

【練習問題】 The ePhone and the ePhone Ultra have captured _____ market share in the smartphone market over the past two quarters. (A) substantive (B) considerate (C) sedentary (D) considerable
TOEIC®練習問題013: expanded, would expand, to expand or expanding?

【練習問題】 Our market survey suggested that _____ our product line to include high-end model would result in more revenues. (A) expanded (B) would expand (C) to expand (D) expanding
TOEIC®練習問題012: on, about, as or in?

【練習問題】 I’m sorry, but the rules state that taking any office supplies home will be viewed _____ a firing offense. (A) on (B) about (C) as (D) in
TOEIC®練習問題011: Listening 02

【練習問題】 以下の動画(音声)を再生して、画像のサインの意味について適した答えを選択してください。 (A) It’s ok to park here, unless there’s a fire (B) You may wait here, as long as you stay in the car (C) Your car will be towed if you park here (D) You may not park here during the day
TOEIC®練習問題010: either, all, none or any?

【練習問題】 I would be fine with _____ of the two candidates for the job, as long as they can work in the Portland office. (A) either (B) all (C) none (D) any
TOEIC®練習問題009: strategic, strategies, strategically or strategize?

【練習問題】 My company called everyone at the manager level and above back to the home office for a _____ planning meeting. (A) strategic (B) strategies (C) strategically (D) strategize
TOEIC®練習問題008: next, lately, recently or nowadays?

【練習問題】 Not everyone was happy with the budget resolution that Congress _____ proposed. (A) next (B) lately (C) recently (D) nowadays